Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Summer Activity Club - Bookings being taken!

Fun4Kidz Summer Activity Club at Bedford Primary

Our fun summer activity club for Bedford Primary pupils is back for 2015! With extended opening hours from 8.30am to 5.30pm each day (Tuesday-Thursday) this popular club includes all activities and  a morning and afternoon snack. The dates for 2015 are as follows:


     Week 1                                             Week 2

Tuesday 28th July                   Tuesday 4th August

Wednesday 30th July              Wednesday 5th August

Thursday 31st July                  Thursday 6th August


The cost of the club will be £30 per week (3 days) per child and we will give siblings a further £5 discount per week booked. To support families to budget for the Summer Activity Club we are offering to take         instalments in amounts chosen by you until the final payment date on Friday 26th June. We now have booking cards available at the office. Families are asked to book places for one or two week blocks of 3 days not individual days or split weeks. Letters have been sent home to all children but they are also available from the office or from our website.

In order to assist planning we ask that all bookings and deposits are made by Friday 22nd May, we will be sending reminders out in the coming weeks.


Notice for junior children —

In order for us to plan activities that are a hit with junior children we are inviting our juniors to a one off taster session with Fun4Kidz 3.15-4.15pm on Friday 15th May in the hall.

Fun4Kidz will be there with lots of fun activities and staff will be on hand to find out what’s hot and what’s not! If you may be interested in your junior child attending the summer club please encourage your child to come along to the taster session so that they can find out more and have their say! We are all ears!

We will run an extra ‘Stay and Play’ session on this date should you have younger siblings in the school who will need to stay, please give your name in at the office if you would like to book a place. Thank you.

