Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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  • Book Fair!

    Mon 19 Oct 2015
    The week beginning 12th October 2015 saw the Scholastic Book Fair return to Bedford. Thank you to all of the families who purchased items, helping us to make over £1000. A percentage  of this total will be used to purchase books for our school libraries. 
  • Bedford pupils go to the polls

    Fri 16 Oct 2015

    The polling station at Bedford Primary was open for business on Monday 5th October when Years 2-6 voted on who they would like to represent them from their class on Bedford Primary School’s School Council. The school’s Hub building was transformed into the polling station, with private voting booths and a secret ballot box, to give the children a genuine voting experience.  Teachers discussed with their children the importance of having a voice and a vote and how we can help make important decisions with our votes. We also discussed how this was an integral part of our British values. The children waited patiently to enter the polling station and were excited to enter the booths with their voting slips ready to cast their votes. At the end of a busy afternoon of voting, the winning children were announced:


    2S:  Jack G and Chelsea H

    3C:  Ellis Mc and Isabella C

    3W: Steven B and Maisie H

    4A: Harry R and Liberty A

    4D: Michael H and Rhianna S

    5G: Luke F and Emilee M

    5K: Finn M and Eleanor C

    6F: Demi-Leigh R and Tayus T

    6N: Evie McG and Thomas F


    Well done to all those who took the time to make an application and run for the positions. The school council will have a busy year ahead of them!

  • Mad about science

    Mon 12 Oct 2015 Geraldine Pollock

    Bedford pupils went mad about science during its whole school science week beginning 5th October. We had a visit from the ‘Mad Scientists’ who came to do a whole school assembly and told us about innovations and inventions in science. The children experienced flying on a hoverboard, being soaked from the Archimedes’ screw and witnessing the magic of an egg being sucked in to a test tube. A Mad Scientist also visited each class to run a workshop based on their current science topic, ranging from making made mixtures to looking at different types of rock formations.

  • May the (maths) force be with you!

    Fri 09 Oct 2015 Geraldine Pollock

    May the (maths) force be with you!

    Bedford had a very special visitor from Outer Space recently – an astronaut who came to deliver a Maths Tracker to every pupil in the school to help them make their mathematical journey through space and planets. Throughout the course of the school year every child will travel to various planets and face different maths challenges and learn new skills on each planet. Once they complete the skills on an individual planet they will receive a postcard from our astronaut telling their family they have landed on the planet and have learnt new mathematical skills. The astronaut also delivered some big, shiny gold stars for our ‘Maths Stars of the Week’ to go on the back of their chairs to let everyone know how well they have done.
