Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Our Curriculum:


At Bedford Primary School, we recognise that the curriculum we deliver is the toolkit we send our children out into the world with. It reflects our context, core values and the kind of citizens we want to send out into the world. We have to be ambitious for them and prepare them for a rapidly changing digital world.



Art has the role in education of helping children become more like themselves instead of more like everyone else.’ 

Sydney Gurewitz Clemens


Skills of a great art and design student:


  • An ability to explore, communicate and express themselves, ideas and feelings through drawing and a wide range of different media
  • Perseverance  to work hard  improve their skill and technique in drawing, painting and sculpting with a range of materials
  • Confidence to experiment with their own, individual artistic representation and style
  • Skilful observation
  • Critical thinking to evaluate their own pieces of art and design
  • Computing skills and knowledge to experiment and develop their ideas and creativity through digital media
  • An understanding and knowledge of different artists and designers, their style, history and impact upon the world.


Throughout the subject of art and design, our pupils will also demonstrate additional traits from our Bedford Learner Profile including resilience and ambition.


Our vision for art and design:


At  Bedford Primary School, we are committed to engaging, inspiring and challenging all pupils and equipping them with the skills and knowledge to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and design.

We want all children to feel that they can be creative, express themselves, record their ideas and find success through art and design.  An important part of our vision also lies with our commitment to boosting the confidence and cultural capital of all our children.  Providing them with a rich tapestry of experiences is key.



Art and Design at Bedford:


 At Bedford, we are passionate about developing and promoting art, craft and design  through an enjoyable, creative and cross curricular approach. Exploring their ideas, knowledge and understanding from other subjects allows pupils to make links and consolidate their thinking in a creative way.  We are also aware of the impact that art can have upon pupil wellbeing. 


Key Strands:

Across each year group, there are 7 key strands that are covered and tracked in terms of progression:

  1. Painting
  2. Printing
  3. 3D/Textiles
  4. Collage
  5. Use of IT
  6. Knowledge (including that of artists/designers, their history, style and impact)

Key Documentation

Southport Learning Trust Arts Newsletter

Read all about the exciting 'Arts' projects which have happened across the Trust.


















Helping your child with art and design at home:


  • Allow access to simple art resources at home from an early age eg. paper, pens, chalks, scissors and glue
  • Play together with dough and experiment moulding different colours, textures, shapes and forms
  • Provide the freedom for your child to create and experiment with out boundaries - let them explore their individuality and own artistic style
  • Expose your children to lots of different types of art, take a trip to a local gallery, eg the Walker Art Gallery and explore and discuss the pieces of art they like and don't like
  • Research local and favourite artists and their styles
  • Explore opportunities to create digital art
  • Be proud of their art work, display it at home and tell them just how fabulous it is!


Useful links:

include virtual gallery tours?
