Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Our Curriculum:


At Bedford Primary School, we recognise that the curriculum we deliver is the toolkit we send our children out into the world with. It reflects our context, core values and the kind of citizens we want them to be. We have to be ambitious for them and prepare them for a rapidly changing digital world.

PSHE Progression Map 2024-25

What is PSHE?

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PSHE is: taking care of our body, taking care of our mind and feelings, being a good person and staying safe!

Bedford's Anti-Bullying Assembly

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Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make A Noise - Official Primary School film

The Anti-Bullying Alliance has worked with young people and members of school staff to develop our theme for this year's Anti-Bullying Week: Make A Noise.

Mindfulness Activities 


Bubble Bounce: Mindful looking – helps with focus


Belly Breathing


Rainbow Relaxation


Thought Bubbles – Thought awareness


Snowy sensations – Visualisation


Mindful Moments


30 second visualisation and breathing exercise - star


30 second visualisation and breathing exercise - dome


30 second visualisation and breathing exercise - pyramid




Why is PSHE so important?


There's a proven link between pupils' health and wellbeing, and their academic progress. Crucial skills and positive attitudes developed through comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) are critical to ensuring children are effective learners. In preparing our Long Term Plans for PHSE, we have considered the location and context of our school to ensure that learning is relevant to the needs of our children. 


To compliment our existing provision, we use SCARF resources from Coram Life Education.  








These resources provide a whole-school approach to building these essential foundations – crucial for children to achieve their best, academically and socially.  The resources are also fully compliant with the new DfE statutory RSE requirements, and expectations for Personal Development, SMSC and British Values.


Also working alongside us to support our PHSE curriculum:  



Where highlighted, you can click on the name of the organisation to visit their website and gain more information


Staying Safe pages on our website


Below are the links to our online safety/staying safe pages on the website for parents and pupils.
Emotion Works
Emotion Works is a whole school approach to empowering our pupils to recognise, regulate and communicate their emotions through exploring the 7-cog model. Take a look on our Emotion Works page

SCARF Progression Documentation

Talking to your child about puberty and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at home:


amaze junior

Little children can have big questions. amaze jr. provides age-appropriate relationships and sex education resources for parents to use when talking to young children.  There are fun videos to share and watch together.  Click on the logo to the left to visit the site. 



Sitting in a car

Sarah Sproule's brilliant Youtube videos discuss how to chat with your child about puberty and RSE in a way that makes them feel supported and able to come to you with any questions or worries they have as they grow up. 


Click on the logo to the left to visit her Youtube channel. 



Outspoken Sex Education

Getting parents talking openly about sex, bodies, consent and relationships.

Click on the logo to visit the site.


NHS Better Mind Matters

A great parental website that offers useful tips and advice to support their children. This can include wellbeing tips, signs to look out for, looking after your own mental health and signposting to many other useful websites. 
