Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Sports Desk

Welcome to Bedford Primary's Sports Desk, the place to find the very latest information about forthcoming fixtures, latest results and sporting life at Bedford Primary. Please click on the links below to follow what's going on. 


For the latest Extra Curricular club timetable including all sports clubs please go to our Extended Services page.

No matter who you are, or where you are from, sport has the power to make you feel part of something bigger. It transcends language, nationality and politics. Sport unites us-it brings us together as athletes, as classmates, and as friends!

At Bedford we love being active and Bedford Primary is proud to be a Youth Sports Trust Silver Quality Mark school. Additionally, we have also achieved the bronze mark in the Sainsbury's School Games Mark for two years running, a Government-led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community.  

We are also pleased to offer our children a Change 4 Life Sports Club in support of the Change 4 Life initiative.
