Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

Contact Us
  Term Dates
  Bedford Worry Box

Key Information

Bedford Primary's key documents and policies are listed below. For further information about our School, including uniform, the school day, term dates etc, please go to the relevant Class Page section of the website.


If you require paper copies of any of the information featured on our School website, please contact the School Office on 0151 922 1467. 





Important Dates for September 2024 Admissions 

Applications for 2024 entry into Reception and Year 7 opened on 1st September 2023 via the online Citizen Portal. If you do not live in Sefton you must apply to your home Local Authority even if the school you wish to apply for is within Sefton. Please submit your application as soon as possible but no later than the closing dates below.


You MUST submit your application online via the Citizen Portal by the national closing dates which are:


  • Closing date for applications to start Secondary School is 31 October 2023

  • Closing date for applications to start Primary School is 15 January 2024


It will NOT be possible for you to apply via the Citizen Portal after these closing dates. Please submit your application as early as possible.


Sefton Admissions website

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-26

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Mrs Taylor is our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) at Bedford Primary and she can be contacted at school on 0151 922 1467.

Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) Policy

Please visit our PHSE page:

Key stage 2 (KS2)

Home Learning Policy

Charging Policy

Abusive Or Threatening Behaviour Policy
