Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Breakfast Club

We run our school’s own breakfast club, which is open every day from 7.30am until 8.50am. Our children also have the opportunity to enjoy various activities and games with their friends.

We also encourage the children to play outdoors when the weather permits. 


Children receive a healthy and hearty breakfast which sets them up for the day.


The Club costs £2.50 per child, per day. Our Breakfast Club is very popular and places need to be booked in advance, please contact the School Office for a Breakfast Club Registration Form or download the form below.  


Don't just take our word for it - here are some comments from our children who attend Breakfast Club -


"I like breakfast club because we play games and the breakfast is tasty."


"I like breakfast club because the teacher's are nice and you get to play games. Also you sometimes get to go on the laptops and chill!"


"At breakfast club the teachers are kind and I like the breakfast."


A special thank you to the DfE funded 'Magic Breakfast' who part subsidise the Breakfast Club resources.  
