Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Our Curriculum:


At Bedford Primary School, we recognise that the curriculum we deliver is the toolkit we send our children out into the world with. It reflects our context, core values and the kind of citizens we want them to be. We have to be ambitious for them and prepare them for a rapidly changing digital world.


"When I read great literature, great drama or speeches I feel that the human mind has not achieved anything greater than the ability to share feelings

and thoughts through language."     

James Earl Jones



The skills of a great student of English:


  • A strong command of spoken language underpins the development of vocabulary, grammar and the understand needed for effective reading and writing so confidence and competence in this aspect of English is key. 
  • The ability to be imaginative, listen carefully, think creatively and express themselves clearly through the conventions of discussion and debate refines ideas and understanding.  
  • Ease and fluency in reading are also essential for children are to gain enjoyment from reading widely and often, for pleasure or information.
  • A good writer has stamina and  a good understanding of purpose and audience and uses this knowledge to adapt their style, flair and language choices.  Proof-reading and editing are habitually used to evaluate the impact of each piece


Throughout the subject of English, our pupils will also demonstrate additional traits from our Bedford Learner Profile including resilience, adaptability, ambition, digital citizenship, effective teamwork and the ability to learn through and from mistakes.

Our vision for English:


At Bedford Primary we aim to foster an engaging and accessible for all curriculum that ensures all children have access to a rich, deep, varied and enjoyable English experience. 


We believe that a high quality English education is essential.  We aim for our children to hear quality and a variety of language which they can then use in their own vocabulary, to develop a love of reading, to be inspired by texts and use their knowledge to help develop their imaginations, to be able to read fluently and understand what they are reading and have good speaking and listening skills  


Our English Curriculum: 


At Bedford we have drawn upon a range of different sources to support in creating our English curriculum.  We are constantly reviewing and evaluating our learning journey to ensure we have an inspiring English curriculum which supports the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum.  



Reading at Bedford


At Bedford, our approach to reading is driven by an unrelenting determination that every child will learn to read fluently and with confidence. Reading is essential for acquiring knowledge and building upon what is already known. Reading also gives pupils the invaluable opportunity to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Alongside exposure to a range of high quality literature across all subjects, a curriculum that promotes curiosity, a love of books and the desire to discover more is key to this development.  Teachers have chosen high-quality texts as the main focus for English lessons to ensure that all children are exposed to a wide range of high quality literature. 


Children also complete guided reading sessions which exposes them to more high quality literature.  Our children complete whole class guided reading sessions at least four times a week.  Teachers ensure that guided reading focus texts include: fiction extracts, non-fiction texts, poetry and song lyrics to ensure our children are exposed to a high-quality, varied and diverse diet.  As part of our Guided Reading Spine, year groups have set poetry and song lyrics they have to study as part of this curriculum.  The poems are split into four themes and build progression as children move through school.  

Writing at Bedford 


During English lessons, children are exposed to high quality texts.  Teachers have planned writing journeys linked to focus texts within a theme.  These writing journeys are carefully planned to show progression throughout the journey and to ensure children are given the opportunity to write extended pieces of writing using a wide range of fiction and non-fiction genres.  Children often complete short bursts of writing and use carefully constructed planning grids to support them in completing extended pieces of writing.  Additionally, year group appropriate grammar objectives are taught explicitly and linked to the type of writing the children are focussing on.  Teachers have worked hard to ensure children have a clear understanding of the purpose of the writing and the intended audience to ensure children are always thinking about their author voice and appealing to their audience.  Once an extended piece of writing has been completed, children are given an additional session to proof read and edit their writing.  These skills are often difficult for children to complete and teachers are beginning to explicitly teach the skills needed


Key Documentation

English Progression Maps


Following the National curriculum objectives, we have created progression maps for each year group to outline key skills that need to be taught. 

Parental support:


The most important thing you can do at home to support your child with English is to read, read and read some more.  While it is vital that your child reads the book they are sent home with to you, it is just as important for you to share different books with them at home.  It would be great for children to have special time with parents while you share a book they have chosen together, either with both of you reading some or adults just reading it to the children.  This will help children to develop their vocabulary but will also hopefully give your children a love of reading.  Bootle Library is a great resource for allowing children to choose a wide range of books.    

