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- 0151 922 1467
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- Bedford Primary School, Quarry Road, Bootle, Merseyside, England, L20 9LJ
Bedford Primary School
Dream, Believe, Aspire
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At Bedford we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and to foster good relations.
We are committed to ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and with respect irrespective of their age, race, gender, sexuality, religious belief, disability or socio economic background.
We understand that some pupils need extra support to help them access the curriculum and reach their full personal and academic potential.
We recognise that the whole school community working together, encouraging strong, positive relationships between pupils, staff, parents, governors and other school stakeholders helps to provide the best education and life experiences for our pupils.
We are required to publish information as well as equality objectives, which demonstrate how we plan to reduce or remove particular disadvantages.
In line with our responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty arising from the Equality Act 2010 we will publish online our equality objectives.
Teachers, support staff and representatives from our Welfare team and the Governing body receive regular training on Equality.
Mr Clare(parent governor) is the named Equality Champion for Bedford.
Please contact the school if you require any further information.