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- 0151 922 1467
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- Bedford Primary School, Quarry Road, Bootle, Merseyside, England, L20 9LJ
Bedford Primary School
Dream, Believe, Aspire
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School Meals
Children at Bedford Primary have the choice of staying for school lunch or bringing a healthy packed lunch. We operate our own school meals service supported by external consultants RPJ3. The Bedford Bistro offers three weekly menus that are carefully designed with the children to take account of stringent, nutritional guidelines. Schools meals are charged at £2.00 per day and need to paid in advance via the School Office, each Monday.
Food Intolerances and Allergies
If you need further information regarding the ingredients we use or if your child has specific dietary requirements please contact the School Office who will put you in touch with our Catering team, who will be happy to arrange a meeting with you to discuss individual requirements.
The chicken used in our food is Halal.
We are delighted to report that our Bedford Bistro has again been awarded top marks with a Food Hygiene Rating of 5 (Very Good) by Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council
At Bedford we place great emphasis on developing healthy eating habits. All children in Foundation and KS1 receive free fruit each day. Our junior children can purchase fruit from the fruit tuck shop priced at 30p per item. Alternatively, we encourage our families to send fruit to school with their child.
We encourage children to bring a water bottle to school each day, filled with tap water to ensure they remain hydrated. All children have access to fresh filtered water so their bottles can be filled up during the day. Water bottles can be purchased from the school office for £2.00.
Packed Lunches
For children choosing packed lunch, in line with our healthy eating policy, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks are NOT permitted at breaks, nor in packed lunch boxes. Packed lunch children can also take advantage of the salads, snacks, drinks and fresh fruit available from our Bistro by purchasing a 50p packed lunch token.
These tokens are available daily from teachers and from the school office.
Themed Lunches
Throughout the year our Bedford Bistro hosts a variety of themed events which never fail to get our children excited about their school lunches. Please see below some examples of Bedford Bistro themed lunches.
Universal Infant Free School Meals
Currently, all children in Reception to Year 2 are eligible to receive a Free School Meal. The introduction of UIFSM has gone very smoothly at Bedford with even more of our children now enjoying our Bedford Bistro dining experience. The average number of meals served daily for the children is now 330. We are delighted that the percentage of EYFS & KS1 children who have taken up the offer of the UIFSM is very high. The very small number of children who do not take up this offer is at their parents specific request.
Free School Meals
Families eligible for free school meals need to contact their local authority to claim their entitlement. Further information about claiming free meals and application forms can be found via the link below.
Claims cannot be back-dated and therefore until your eligibility is confirmed meals need to be paid for or a packed lunch supplied for your child.