Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Bedford playgrounds in the press!

Our wonderful new playgrounds in KS1 and KS2 have featured in local press this week as we welcomed a group of special visitors to our school to thank them for their support in making our playground dreams come true. We are very proud to have raised over £37,000 from a variety of local organisations, funding bodies and fundraising activities to create our two playgrounds with exciting new features and play facilities for all of our children to enjoy.

Significant funding sources include the National Lottery ‘Awards for All’ scheme, The Morgan Foundation, Your Housing Group, Riverside Community Housing, Plus Dane Housing, Sanctuary Housing, Adactus Housing and the Liverpool One Foundation.We owe an enormous thank you to all of the organisations who have shared our vision as well as our Bedford families for their ongoing efforts and contributions, we are confident our community will enjoy our playground for many years to come.
