Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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Bedford's BEST Friends School Charity


School Fundraising and Bedford’s BEST Friends


Thank you to everyone who came along to our B.E.S.T Friends' school charity meeting held on Thursday 10th October 2013. The group had lots of useful suggestions on how our school charity can continue to go from strength to strength raising funds for the benefit of the children and families of our wonderful school. Currently B.E.S.T will be raising funds for a whole school Christmas panto trip.


B.E.S.T (Bedford’s Enrichment & Support Trust) is our school’s registered charity. B.E.S.T works hard to fundraise to improve the facilities and resources for the families of our school and our local community.


Did you know that every penny that B.E.S.T helps to raise will be used to improve the opportunities available to your children?


Quite often, funds raised through B.E.S.T are the key to successful bids to external funds which allow us to grow your money into great things.

B.E.S.T has already supported important projects such as the building of The Hub, our fantastic community building and the wonderful playgrounds for both the infants and juniors.


Every family of Bedford is a Bedford B.E.S.T friend. If you would like to know more or can spare a few hours every now and again to support the work of our B.E.S.T charity, please let us know at the office. Whether you have links to local businesses, bake cakes, are willing to sell raffle tickets, help out at a school disco or have new ideas and suggestions for events and activities that you think our families would enjoy, we would welcome your support.



