Bedford Primary School

Dream, Believe, Aspire

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  • A trip to sunny Southport for Year 5

    Wed 24 May 2017

    A Group of Year 5 children were treated to a day out to Southport by Merseyrail which included a trip to The Atkinson Theatre and a visit to the beach. The trip was a fact finding mission as part of a joint project between Merseyrail and Bedford Primary to 'Bring the beach to Bankhall Station.' The children will work with Merseyrail to spruce up the station and entice the community to use the amazing network of trains to take them to wonderful places right on their doorstep.

    The children visited the amazing exhibition at The Atkinson Museum 'Between Land and Sea: 10,000 years of Sefton' Coastline.' The children were enthralled with the images of Sefton past and present, many of which they recognised and are in their neighbourhood, and were especially excited when they could try on clothes and hats from times past.

    In the afternoon the group walked to Southport Beach where they collected items for the station rejuvenation. The children have great plans for the station - so watch this space!

    We would like to say a special thank you to Marion and Laura from Merseyrail who organised the day - and to the local Councillors for their donation for our

    all-important ice-creams!

  • Bedford's aid to Africa

    Thu 11 May 2017

    At Bedford we are aware that keeping our children hydrated helps them to perform at their very best throughout the school day. As a result, some years ago we decided to invest in watercoolers from AquAid.

    This decision means that we have donated £20 per year per cooler to The Africa Trust and through our donations an 'Elephant Pump' has been installed in Africa on our behalf.

    The pump brings much-needed clean, fresh drinking water and improve the quality of life of those who will have access to the well. Bedford's name is displayed on the well. We are very proud of our connection with AquAid and the opportunity it has given us to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

